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Transform your body's story into one of strength and vitality.

Alli Stanton, Registered Dietitian & Women's Wellness Coach

Hi, I'm Alli Stanton

Founder of Pure Wellness

Hi, I'm Alli Stanton

Founder of Pure Wellness

I have been a Registered Dietitian for over 18 years. I am also a wellness coach specializing in women’s health. My passion is helping women age gracefully by teaching them the best foods, exercises and lifestyle habits to promote sustained fat loss and energy restoration.

Pure Wellness was started out of a need that I saw to help women thrive as they age.  Like many others, when I turned 40 I noticed that what use to work for my body, like running and calorie counting, didn't seem to work anymore.  

This is My Story...

After months of research, self-experimenting and reflection I packaged together a program that truly benefits all women, no matter if they are hoping to just tone-up or shed 100 pounds. 

I created my signature program, The Wellness Accelerator, to help women shed stubborn weight, feel energized as they age and give up dieting forever.  In the 12 weeks women work with me, they learn habits that lead to sustained fat loss, energy restoration and better quality of life!

For local clients looking for a smaller program, I am excited to offer my  3 Session Nutrition Makeover Package, completely customized to meet each person's individual needs and goals.

 My specialty is helping women age powerfully by teaching them the best foods, exercises and lifestyle habits to promote sustained fat loss and energy restoration. By combining my expertise as a dietitian with holistic wellness, I am able to address elements outside of nutrition that also impact wellness, including relationships, stress, sleep and activity. 

I am also passionate about helping women expand their health-span: the length of time that a person lives in good health. I want every year of your life to be the of highest quality possible!

Aside from my love for health and wellness promotion, I enjoy practicing barre and pilates, hiking, cross country skiing, cooking, spending time at the lake and going on adventures with my husband and daughters.

Reach your potential with me

Find the resources that are right for you.

Hormone Health Guide

This guide is the ultimate starting point for anyone wanting to balance their hormones.


Four Week Clean Eating Challenge

This challenge guides you through how to clean up your diet, by making two simple changes each week.


How to Cook Veggies Guide

Even if you aren’t a cook, this guide will teach you all the different way to cook your veggies so you can maximize your options. 



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